Management of Infrastructure - Who Dares

There are many management areas. Infrastructure is such a field that is normally not too popular as a discipline. It is not directly visible, at least not in the sense that you can measure the output - in terms of number of products or services related to the investments that are done. Yet, if the topic of infrastructure is not properly set on the management agenda, it will put itself there, on the moment you least expect it. All over the world we have seen what incidents like Katrina can bring about. It is not said that the infrastructure of Louisiana was insufficient, but issues like security and safety are infrastructural. And these are difficult to manage, not only the public services that are managed by politicians and governmental organization, but also within private companies. Infrastructure is always the last point on the management agenda.

There are a number of reasons why it is so hard to manage infrastructure. Before we broach the subject, we let's define the topic of infrastructure. We use a rather broad definition. It is all that is to do with the needed support to get the business running. It is about giving support, facilitate, serve or in different words, providing the glue to run the operation smoothly. The real fundamentals are the normal utilities like water, gas and electricity. These are the basic needs supporting the rest. Information and Communication Technology is another category meant to support the communication throughout the entire organization. As long as the functionality is not specifically dedicated to a main business function, it falls also in this support category. For all kind of maintenance applies the same. Human Resource Services like periodic trainings and general educational services are also supportive and could be categorized as such.

All the above elements of infrastructure share a common aspect which is that they all serve a general goal. They are not specifically offering one solution but they serve a broad area. In fact (infrastructural) support serves others (both humans and systems) in achieving their tasks.
If you remove the infrastructural plug out of the wall, everything else stops functioning.
In terms of requirements you are dealing with abstract issues. The requirements are non-functional and are addressing abstract aspects like: security and safety (internet and buildings), integrity (information), reliability (communication, electricity), accessibility (website), etc.
The problem with these abstracts is that you can not measure it easily. You are talking about levels of safety and about incidents that lower such levels. Basically it is about past statistical information that is needed to address future management energy. And then the question is what level is acceptable? This can only be determined by past incidents. Like the one in Louisiana.

Most managers have a short attention-span. We care for day-to-day problems and infrastructural issues occur only incidentally. Once the 'storm' is literally over, the attention is moved to something else and general support is left aside; 'Everything' is working again. So managing infrastructure leaves you dis-satisfied; once the problem is over, people go back to what really matters, what is satisfying current needs.

Related to the first aspects is the fact that infrastructure is not glamorous. We all want to perform and the individual success is what counts most and for all. As in tennis, it is the singles final that is valued more than the doubles. It is the fact of live. And this truth is found in each organization. Personal achievements are higher valued. We stress output and performance. We have only one dollar to spend, so we rather spend it on individual bonus when a sales-target is met, rather than a bonus for a supporting team that has dealt with 2000 upset customers because of product being less than expected, damaged, mal functioning or what ever.

Another point that makes the management difficult is that issues related to support are not easily identified as such. Just check in your company the problems that occur and which are never solved. They keep on coming back. These are the symptoms. Then you know that you have deficiencies in your infrastructure. Al these problems do not have an owner, so they are wandering around as orphans in your organization. If their amount is growing, you can be sure that a calamity will be near.

To prevent this you should set infrastructure on the management agenda. You could use the balanced score card for this. And you should reserve a pool (budget) which you feed with a fixed percentage from projects and new businesses. If the symptoms are not decreasing you should raise this percentage


Optimal Infrastructure

Because of converged infrastructure, all voice, document, or video media is going to be in the position to be sent through the exact same IP network. Having this kind of structure, particular computer networking happens to be substantially easier and powerful. In contrast with infrastructure sprawl, converged infrastructure allows for infinite benefits. System sprawl stops an actual firm from being prepared to further innovate.

Alongside virtually all of the complex changes taking place currently, it is beneficial to look at just how everything was first setup in the past. A number of decades ago, almost everything was setup with a single designer, yet this then developed into numerous networking and storage systems. Administrative platforms were then launched to properly handle everything that was coming into use.In order to break down these kind of structures, converged infrastructure was introduced. This ultimately includes just about everything which various segments used to absolutely need to manage in the previous years.

Generally, converged infrastructure happens to be the most important mapping model designed for the information centers which can certainly get rid of out of date Information technology designs.The following computer system is composed of a converging device, and storage space in addition to networks governed by using a well-known foundation. Virtually all of these kinds of platforms being complete permits for maximized efficiency which usually would allow for ongoing results connected with the actual firm.

As well, the very platform encourages basic virtualization through most layers located in a collection - ranging from the network, storage space, and / or server. It is up to the potential customer to come to a decision assuming they hope to have this specific core virtualization, designed for managing infrastructure in a nonvirtualized situation is certainly entirely exceptional as well.

All of these infrastructure procedures usually are determined to be effective functions that could certainly provide you with a sole machine-high availability or even a universal vision to significant supply. A friend or relative might literally be running his or her data all over diverse continents which are usually duplicated in orders that will provide unquestionably fast power. Today's IT individuals profit as a result of experiencing their altering business model desires accomplished and by positively influencing price savings.

Clients may be confident enough to get as much or as little infrastructure as they intend to.For this reason, there really will never be a lot of private lock-ins meant for the end users. This also requires that the converged infrastructure will certainly be left as open as possible. Also, there is the opportunity when it comes to users to replace the infrastructure. Certainly, there may be basically no faults in the system, for the system fails to perform manually similar to a few other technology. Since this infrastructure is modular, an individual can potentially improve their firm based on former smaller pieces.

Doing this form of infrastructure was indeed seriously a substantial exploration investment decision, and it is at this moment paying off. Considering the fact that it came to be intended needed for more than ten years, it will undoubtedly be a good purchase. Several styles will certainly be moving out for the reason that the procedure shows improvements over the years, but this should not change the advantages connected with the former styles.

The redesigns and previous designs intended for these types of solutions have been established when various significant industry expectations. This then required perhaps far more analysis and labor. The end system is without a doubt something that is rather innovative, nonetheless critical in the specialized sector. In all, the end result is an extremely simple strategy - converged infrastructure with very open measures.


The Value Of New Converged Infrastructure Solutions

With a converged infrastructure, any voice, data, or video is able to be sent through the same IP network. With this type of infrastructure, computer networking becomes much easier and efficient. In comparison with infrastructure sprawl, converged infrastructure allows for endless possibilities. Infrastructure sprawl prevents a business from being able to further innovate.

With all of the technological changes taking place today, it is important to look at how everything was setup in the past. A few decades ago, everything was setup in a singular fashion, but this then turned into different networking and storage systems. Management systems were then developed to properly control everything that was coming into use. In order to break down these systems, converged infrastructure was developed. This basically covers everything that several components used to need to cover in the past.

Overall, converged infrastructure is the mapping blueprint for the data centers that can replace outdated IT systems. This system consists of a converging server, and storage and networks managed through a common source. All of these systems being intact allows for maximized simplicity that allows for continued success of the business.

Also, the system supports core virtualization across most layers in a stack - ranging from the network, storage, or server. It is up to the consumer to decide if they wish to have this core virtualization, for running infrastructure in a no virtualized environment is perfectly fine as well.

These infrastructure systems are determined to be strong applications that can offer a single machine-high availability or a global mission to critical availability. Someone can literally be running their data across different continents that are replicated in orders to offer unquestionably fast power. Modern IT users benefit by having their changing business model needs fulfilled and by positively affecting savings.

Consumers will be able to purchase as much or as little infrastructure as they wish to. Therefore, there really will not be a lot of proprietary lock-ins for the consumers. This also means that the converged infrastructure will be left as open as possible. Also, there is the freedom for consumers to replace the infrastructure. There will be no errors in the system, for the infrastructure doesn't work manually like other systems. Since the converged infrastructure is modular, a user can grow their business based on previous smaller pieces.

This kind of infrastructure was really a huge research investment, and it is now paying off. Since it was developed for more than ten years, it will surely be a smart investment. Different models will be coming out as the system improves over the years, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the previous models.

The redesigns and final designs for these systems were based upon several important industry standards. This then required even more research and labor. The end product is something that is very new, yet vital in the technical industry. In all, the result is a very simple solution - converged infrastructure with very open standards.


Infrastructure - The Lifeblood of Society

Infrastructure. What is it exactly, and why should we care? Let's start with what it is. Most people have a general understanding of the concept, but aren't sure exactly what comprises this system of public works. Simply put - Infrastructure is the system of roads, rails, bridges, tunnels, airports, seaports, pipes, reservoirs, power plants, sewers, and related distribution systems that support our society. And that is just a partial list.

An oft used, but appropriate analogy is the inner workings of the human body - the arteries, muscles, bones, and organs that keep us all alive by performing vital functions. Neglect your human infrastructure, and bad news is sure to follow. And that's why we should care about our national and regional infrastructure, which has long been neglected since we built one of the best systems in the world in the middle of the last century. Continued neglect and procrastination will surely mean bad news for our society.

Here in Los Angeles, we are increasingly seeing our aging infrastructure fail, with bursting pipes flooding neighborhoods and fire trucks getting trapped in sink holes. Most Angelinos are very aware of the sad state of our transportation network and local infrastructure, but don't understand how to fix the problems or are very reluctant to make the necessary investments.

Lack of infrastructure investment means more than new floods and longer airport security lines. The real issue is economic competitiveness. Other countries are pulling ahead with new infrastructure that minimizes friction costs and business inefficiencies.Infrastructure investment is very hard to quantify and visualize though, as it's enormous in scale and cost, yet we depend on it for every aspect of our daily lives and businesses - from checking our Blackberries to buying groceries. A recent study by Calderon, Moral-Benito, and Serven in 2009 presented a justifiable case that a 10 percent rise in infrastructure assets directly increases GDP per capita by 0.7 to 1 percent. That could be as much as $150 billion in total annual GDP increases here if America can just make the investment.

Which raises the obvious and most important question: where do we get the money to make that investment? Public officials are starting to understand the necessity, and the Obama Administration made a great push for national spending on infrastructure, even advancing the concept of a National Infrastructure Bank to finance the astronomical costs to build infrastructure projects. But with the economy continuing to struggle and the recent political change in Washington D.C., it's becoming obvious that a national plan might not materialize. State and local governments are also struggling just to pay current expenditures and avoid bankruptcy, so local public spending is unlikely as well.

What remains then is the private sector. After all, this is how most infrastructure projects were built in previous centuries. Many, if not all, private enterprises and properties benefit substantially from infrastructure investment, so why not make them a more prominent player in the investment and operation of such activities? This seems to make even more sense when one factors in the public sector's often inefficient pricing, investment, and production policies. Infrastructure investment has become such a crucial need in our country that the Urban Land Institute, an organization known for its development focus and large private sector membership, has made infrastructure one of its top 3 national initiatives. Clearly we need to figure out a way to engage the private sector more efficiently.

But private sector investment isn't without its challenges and faults. First, the financial returns are very hard to quantify, therefore preventing the large scale investment necessary. Secondly, many are skeptical that the private sector will really have the public's best interest in mind and instead focus on financial returns to the detriment of service, pricing, and ongoing maintenance. Yet there are many private organizations that are already paying for and maintaining such systems. Google, NBC Universal, and Cedars Sinai Medical Center are all examples of private organizations who have built housing, transportation networks, or communication systems to address the needs of their employees and customers because the public sector just couldn't deliver the efficiency and innovation they desired. So why can't we take this concept to a more broad scale?

Hopefully we can move towards the further engagement of the private sector and continue to build on some of the recent public-private partnerships successes around the country. It will take time and a focused effort by all involved, including the participation of the general public. Here at the local chapter of the Urban Land Institute of Los Angeles, we are developing a plan to engage a broader base of participants in the infrastructure conversation.

We believe this will be a multi-step process starting with two crucial elements. First is taking a detailed look at the inventory we have and addressing the extent of the problem. Our goal is to fully understand all that we have and assess the integrity of the system. Once we have a handle on the problem, the next step is to engage and educate local officials, the private sector, and general public to start generating ideas and practical solutions. All parties are necessary because local policy can only be advanced with the buy in of the voters. And voters aren't going to accept increased rates or taxes if they don't understand the importance and magnitude of the problem.

Borrowing again from the human anatomy analogy, sometimes attention is only paid to the system when problems arise. Only when our doctors warn us of high blood pressure, or worse, one of our pipes burst, do we focus on the problem and change our habits. Hopefully it won't come to this in our societies either. We can't just keep consuming cheeseburgers and soda forever without implication.
