City focuses on 23 traffic projects in 2013-15

VNRE - HCMC focuses on only 23 key traffic projects in the period from now to 2015, according to a decision on adjustments to the city’s traffic development plan until 2020 made by the Government last week.

Most of the key traffic projects in the period 2013-2015 are road projects. They include construction of the road from An Phu Intersection to the Belt Road No. 2 with four lanes and expansion of the National Highway 1 section in HCMC.

The north-south road from Ong Lanh Bridge to Nguyen Van Linh Street with 4-8 traffic lanes and the east-west road connected to HCMC-Trung Luong Expressway with six lanes are also given priority. In addition, the Tan Son Nhat-Binh Loi road (6-8 lanes), the second phase of Provincial Road 25B (10 lanes) and Luong Dinh Cua Street (four lanes) will be implemented from now to 2015.

In this period, the new Mien Dong, Mien Tay and Da Phuoc coach stations will be built, together with a number of car parks in the downtown areas.

As for metro projects, HCMC focuses on only the Metro Line No. 1 and the first phase of the lines no. 2 and no. 5.

Three rapid bus transit lines, including line no. 1 along the East-West Highway, line no. 2 linking Mien Tay Coach Station, Nguyen Van Linh Street and Phu My Bridge and line no. 4 from Kha Van Can Street to Hoang Van Thu Park, will be put into service.

As for waterway projects, the city will carry out the Soai Rap River dredging project and the relocation of Ba Son Shipyard.

In comparison with the original plan, many changes have been made. For example, the city focuses on only 1-2 elevated roads, among four, and 2-3 metro lines, among six.

Moreover, some targets for development of transportation forms have been adjusted. By 2020, public transport will take up 20-25%, private transport 72-77% and other forms of transportation around 3%.

Source: The Saigon Times